Coco (Garrett) and Alan Heller’s Book, Life on Route 66

Life on Route 66 Cover, Center

Claudia Heller (Coco Garrett, Class of 1961) and Alan Heller (Class of 1962) announce the launching of their book entitled "Life on Route 66", personal accounts along the Mother Road to California, published by HistoryPress.

In 2010, the Hellers, at age 66, quit their professional jobs, bought an 18-foot trailer, and took off for Chicago. The book chronicles their travels and encapsulates a 15-month weekly series, written by Claudia for the San Gabriel Valley News Group.

It features stories from readers keen on sharing their memories of traveling America’s Highway during its heyday. Claudia, a journalist, wrote the text, while Alan graced the book with his professional photography.

The book sells for $19.99 and may be purchased through Amazon, bookstores, from the publisher at, and is available on Kindle.

To obtain a signed copy, mail a check for $23.00 payable to Claudia Heller, P.O. Box 1251, Duarte, CA 91009.

Life on Route 66 Cover

For details, see their blog.

One Reply to “Coco (Garrett) and Alan Heller’s Book, Life on Route 66”

  1. Always wondering what happened to the Garrett family in the Hollywood Hills.
    I think it went Coco, Karen, Kris, Kirby, and Kiball. I was good friends wit Krish and we worked at the Beachwood Market together. My brothers were Joe and Jeff. Coco, glad to see that your life has been such a wonderful success.
    Hello to the rest of the family. ( had contact with Lila White about 10 years ago)

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